Gorgeous, Glamourous Glamour Doll Eyes!

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I found Glamour Doll Eyes through LeGothique I believe...

Paying isn't difficult, just follow the steps they give you.

I ordered:
Sample Jar of Just Bitten**
Sample Jar of Electric Lemonade***
Sample Jar of Premonition**
Sample bag of Black Ice**
Sample bag of Oddity
As a freebie I got a sample bag of Dirty Jeans***

** These shadows are from the Twi-shadow Collection from GDE

***Vee has allready stated on the website that Dirty Jeans is an unblended pigment. Go HEREif you want more info.

Shipping is free on all samples worldwide. However, there is a minimum order. I think it's something like $8-10 worth of product. Either way, it's reasonable. I do not remember how long it took for the package to ship or get to me :(


The eyeshadows are good. Minus the ones that are not blended, the others are blended well and apply good, except for Black Ice for some reason. Black Ice did not want to go over Pixie epoxy at all! I just shrugged it off, probably something I was doing anyways, I had been swatching for hours. I'm not sure how I would pair these colors up at all currently. I think my brain was a bit off and I was just ordering what I thought looked cool at the time. Oh well :)

Would I order from Glamour Doll Eyes again? I wouldn't see why not to. While it's not an "absolute need to right at this very moment thing", I see myself ordering from them in the near future, I hear they have a beautiful color named Phyrra that I would like to try out.

4/5 kisses

Love, Miss K



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Hello there fellow Devious makeup lovers... my name is Kambria and I am 19 years old. I would like to bring makeup knowledge to all aspects of my life, my anime geek friends, my work friends... everyone and anyone willing to learn and follow me with my journey. Enjoy