Gorgeous, Glamourous Glamour Doll Eyes!

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I found Glamour Doll Eyes through LeGothique I believe...

Paying isn't difficult, just follow the steps they give you.

I ordered:
Sample Jar of Just Bitten**
Sample Jar of Electric Lemonade***
Sample Jar of Premonition**
Sample bag of Black Ice**
Sample bag of Oddity
As a freebie I got a sample bag of Dirty Jeans***

** These shadows are from the Twi-shadow Collection from GDE

***Vee has allready stated on the website that Dirty Jeans is an unblended pigment. Go HEREif you want more info.

Shipping is free on all samples worldwide. However, there is a minimum order. I think it's something like $8-10 worth of product. Either way, it's reasonable. I do not remember how long it took for the package to ship or get to me :(


The eyeshadows are good. Minus the ones that are not blended, the others are blended well and apply good, except for Black Ice for some reason. Black Ice did not want to go over Pixie epoxy at all! I just shrugged it off, probably something I was doing anyways, I had been swatching for hours. I'm not sure how I would pair these colors up at all currently. I think my brain was a bit off and I was just ordering what I thought looked cool at the time. Oh well :)

Would I order from Glamour Doll Eyes again? I wouldn't see why not to. While it's not an "absolute need to right at this very moment thing", I see myself ordering from them in the near future, I hear they have a beautiful color named Phyrra that I would like to try out.

4/5 kisses

Love, Miss K

Fabulously Ferocious Fyrinnae

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I can't remember how I found Fyrinnae exactly, It seems like so long ago. On their front page they always have an "allow for ___ period of time before your order ships", which
a) I have never had to wait the maximum time, I don't even think I have had to wait the minimum time ( which when I last checked was like 18 days!)I think the longest I waited was like 2 weeks, if that, for my order to ship. I definitely do not mind!
b)Their stuff is beyond amazing, trust me, it IS worth every second of the wait ^.^


Fyrinnae has a shopping cart on the side of the webpage that tracks how much is in your cart. Unfortunately it's only in USD, but I really don't mind. Once you decide to check out, they check your address, then direct you to paypal, check your order then they charge your paypal acct.

I ordered:

Lip Lustre: Trickster Size - 3ml Mini
Arcane Magic: Archmage Size - Mini
Lip Lustre: Shangri-La Size - 3ml Mini
Lip Lustre: Diabolic Masquerade Size - 3ml Mini
Lip Lustre: Bloodstains Size - 3ml Mini
Pixie Epoxy Size - Full Size
Blue Whale Loose Eye Shadow Size - Mini
Arcane Magic: Sorceress Size - Mini

I made an order the other day that consisted of:
(This order shipped 4 days after it was placed including weekend days!!!!)

Cheetah Loose Eye Shadow Size - Mini
1.22 Gigawatts Loose Eye Shadow Size
Arcane Magic: Love Potion Size - Mini
Arcane Magic: Glitterboi Size - Mini
Arcane Magic: Faerie Glamour Size - Mini
Arcane Magic: Evocation Size - Mini
Lip Lustre: Beloved (Color-Changing) Size - 3ml Mini
We're All Mad Here Loose Eye Shadow Size - Mini
Sennyo Loose Eye Shadow Size - Mini
Lip Lustre: Shangri-La

Shipping: Shipping is free if you buy over $20 of product from Fyrinnae. It's super easy to buy over $20, and I usually wait until there's enough things that I want from Fyrinnae before ordering. Under $20, I think it's $2.50 for shipping in the US and $3.50 internationally. Everytime I have ordered from Fyrinnae my package has gotten here within 2 weeks ish from the day they shipped it. It's an acceptable wait time. As well I have never has to pay customs on any order from them. They do list it honestly however, no "gift" listing here. As a customer, I appreciate the honesty.

All products coming from Fyrinnae are nothing short of abosolutely fabulous! The consistency is great, the sparkle is great, Pixie Epoxy is like god! I have nothing to say but great things about this company.
I love the Arcane Magic collection, and most of it screams "Buy me!" every time I scroll through it.
The Lip Lustres are to die for! They are amazing. I love the way they smell, how they don't get goopy or feather on my lips and how even after I've worn it for 2 hours you can still see color! ^.^ I wore Shangri-La for 3 days straight... It's so pretty ^.^

Here's my swatches:
From top to bottom Left to Right ( All with UDPP and Pixie Epoxy)

Immortality, Darling Misfit, Bastet
Harlequin, Arcane Magic: Arch Mage, Parental Advisory
(excuse my pringles and my boyfriend in the background. I was having a fat day and the boys wanted me to come be social while they played D&D)

Incubus, Arcane Magic: Warrior-Mage, Arcane Magic: Feline Framiliars
Arcane Magic: Conjurer, Jaguar, Fyre &Ice ( Sorry for the crappy pics, none of them ever do Fyrinnae shadows ANY justice :( They are just too amazing to be photographed.
Excuse the gross man chest behind my arm, the boys are just trying to show off :P

Wicked, Avenging Salem, Sake & Sashimi
Knickers in a twist, Necromantic, Half Elf Hottie

**Photos of Lip Lustres to come**

Would I ever buy from Fyrinnae again? ABSOLUTELY! I love them dearly and they are one of those companies I feel extremely comfortable with everything they do, even the donating, as well as their customer service is awesome ^.^ I get replies within 24 hours and they don't make me feel bad for asking... ever!

5/5 Kisses

Love, Miss K

Meow! Kitty In Pinx Review

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I found Kitty In Pinx when I was seatching Etsy for palettes.
There was an option of buying a pre-made palette or a custom palette. I've always been weary of pressed eyeshadows because they don't like me very much. Always crumbling on me and never applying right.Anywho...

I paid through etsy, so no problems there.

I ordered:

CUSTOM Six Color PRESSED Mineral Eyeshadow Palette SHIPS FREE**
**Free shipping only applies in the US.
I wanted the following colors:
Underground Velvet
Mellow Shot


Shipping was resonably priced at $3.50. ** For US orders it is free**

Now here's where my review takes a downward spiral. Like I said above, pressed eyeshadows HATE me. I don't know why, I wish I did.I have only had one pressed eyeshadow work for me... and that was a very long time ago.
This one however, would not go onto my brushes no matter what. Not even wet.
So I pulled out the Q-tips. I wet the q-tips, put them in the color and yay! it worked. Unfortunatly, that's where the yay ends. I attempted to swatch this on my arm to be more than dissapointed. None of the colors are wow in your face. Yes I realized I chose darker colors. The ones that are supposed to have sparklies in them do in the palette, but they refuse to show up on my arm whatsoever, leaving a blah color. Plus, they palette was not labelled, so I was left flipping back and forth between the website and etsy trying to figure out what color was what. I did email the owner about the not being labelled and it was possible the "map" of the palette was forgotten. It happens.
Customer service wise, Kitty in Pinx is great. My questions were always answered promptly etc.

Would I order from Kitty In Pinx again? Probably not. I'm not a fan of pressed eyeshadows and I was hoping this one would be different. Unless they start stocking lots of loose eyshadows and other products, I most likely would not go back.

3/5 Kisses
The customer service was great and the ability to choose a custom palette that didn't leave a hole in your wallet was great, but the palette just isn't for me.

Love, Miss K

AJoeyNamedRoo Review

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I found AJoeyNamedRoo while searching for Birthday Cake on Etsy.
They sell a myriad of things, ranging from lip chap and body butter to even jewellry and scarves. They are deifnitely two talented ladies!

I ordered though Etsy, so I had no issue paying etc.

I ordered:
Vegan Lip Balm in Raspberry Lemonade
Vegan Lip Balm in Iced Roses

The second time I ordered, I got:

Birthday Cake - Confections Whipped Body Butter

Shipping cost was just okay for the first package. It was about 2.75, for the body butter is was 3.25 I think. Shipping was not lightning fast, nor was it snail slow. It was average. I have not recieved the second package as of yet as I ordered it on 6/10.

The lip balms were a present to my kid sister, so I did not really get a chance to try them out. I did however, smell the raspberry lemonade, which is extremely strong. I don't know if I like it really, but she does :) As for the iced roses, the scent is a bit duller, so if I ever order another lipbalm from them it would most likely be the iced roses. I applied them on the back of my hand and they applied ever so nicely and smooth, just like a lip balm should be without it being in your pocket all day.
They sent me a sample of the Bithday Lotion with the lip balms, and thank goodness! They chose the right one for me! I opened it up and took a nice long breath in. It smells so beautiful and sweet, not too overpowering. The formula is really nice, however, it does sometimes take a little bit to soak in. Once it soaks in however, the scent can stay for a while. I had gloves on right after I put it on ( it's a food safe work thing) and even after switching gloves 4-5 times and about an hour to an hour and a half passing, The faint smell of bithday cake was still on my hands. Awesome or what? That's why I bought the big container. I like, no, LOVE the smell of this lotion, I just hope my sinus's stop being jerks and quit stuffing me up by the time it gets here :)


Would I order from AJoeyNamedRoo again? Absolutely. They have a wide variety of things I would love to try out, ranging from the lip scrubs, because mine just ran out, to the soaps, which I have been dying to try out some new soap!

5/5 kisses, they get an extra plus for adding a free amazing item that I liked so much I went back and bought more!

Love, Miss K

Gotta Catch Em All... Shiro Cosmetics!

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I found Shiro Cosmetics on ETSY

Ordering was a breeze as usual, I have never had issues buying on etsy, even being
from Canada.

I bought:
Catch 'em All - 15 Sample Bags

While I was writing this review, I went out and bought:
Mid-Week Mix'n'Match Madness
I got a full size of Pikachu and Jigglypuff, 3 minis is Rattata, Squirtle and Acid and one sample in Sudowoodo.

Shipping was reasonably priced at $1.50 for all the samples and $3.50 for the Mix and Match. My first order was here within a week and a half, and the second hasn't arrived yet, as it was only shipped 6/11. Both times I ordered, she had it shipped out within a day or two, I call that service!

All the samples came in cute little baggies, folded over with little stickers. A warning, do NOT get these stickers wet. I learned my lesson when I left the baggies in the bathroom. One of my ssamples now has no label, but I have determined it to be Brock, The Rock. I did not swatch Brock for you... sorry!

I applied these over Concrete Minerals Primer and Pixie Epoxy from Fyrinnae

They all applied very nicely, I never had any problems at all! I love Jigglypuff so much, it's been my go to color for work as of late.

Pros- They apply like a dream, Caitlin has hit the nail on the head for these colors! I imagine looking at the pokemon dead on when I applied these!

Cons- None! ^.^

Here is my swatch photos!

From L to Right, Top to Bottom
1st photo:

Mew, Acid, Charmander
Mewtwo, Squirtle
Zubat, Team Rocket, Lance, The Dragon Trainer

2nd photo:
Articuno, Hyper Beam, Bulbasaur
Vulpix, Butterfree
Jigglypuff, S.S Anne, Pikachu ( which even has red sparklies in it ^.^) *Squee*


Would I buy from Shiro Cosmetics again?
Absolutely, I allready have! Caitlin has even started making some new colors based on customer suggestions!

5/5 Kisses!

Love, Miss K

New blog layout!

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I will now be posting my reviews in a different layout, including some pros and cons, how the product applies etc etc.
Reviews coming up!:

Shiro Cosmetics[Done and posted!]
Glamour Doll Eyes
Sobe Botanicals
Concrete Minerals (again!)
Moi Minerals
Morgana Minerals
Hi Fi Cosmetics
Kitty In the Pinx
AJoeyNamedRoo [Done and posted!]
The All Natural Face
and Allure By Jen

The last two will have to wait a little bit because my roomate has my lippie photos.

I think that is it.... I wont post them all in one day, I am thinking 2-3 day, which will last me a good week :)

Lots of love,

Miss K

HiFi Versus Fyrinnae

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So while I was swatching my samples I noticed two similar colors!
They are definitly NOT dupes, but are more like cousins.

Fyrinnae's Arcane Magic: Conjurer is on the left, Hi Fi's Psycho Mind is on the right.

I have two pictures. Up close they both give off the same sort of aqua green shine.

I don't know if you can tell, but they are similar.

Fyrinnae: Soft burgundy-brick shade topped with shimmer that changes from rosy to pale blue to aqua green, depending on the light. Lighter and more shimmery than it looks here.

I could not find the decription for Psycho Mind.

Psycho mind is a darker color overall and also the shimmer is a deeper blue green.

What do you think? I love both colors and will probably buy both of them :)


About Me

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Hello there fellow Devious makeup lovers... my name is Kambria and I am 19 years old. I would like to bring makeup knowledge to all aspects of my life, my anime geek friends, my work friends... everyone and anyone willing to learn and follow me with my journey. Enjoy